A secure, SPV wallet for Garlicoin
Garlicwallet for AndroidGarlicwallet allows you securely store and recieve Garlicoin anywhere you are.
Garlicwallet communicates directly with standard Garlicoin full Nodes, and verifies the integrity of the complete blockchain directly from your phone.
Every wallet has a recovery phrase that can be used to restore a wallet in case something happens to your phone
The recovery phrase can also used to recover private keys for importing into Garlicoin Core
Note: When recovering a wallet, the full blockchain needs to be downloaded, a process that could take many hours and will use significant amounts of data. Make sure to only recover your wallet when connected to an unmetered connection.
Garlicwallet enables you to send Garlicoin to anybody anywhere you are
Generate QR codes to share addresses with friends and family
Pay for goods and services easily with your mobile phone
Network fee is configurable to your desired speed and cost
Garlicwallet is fully open source. If you're interested in viewing the source code or compiling it yourself, you can find it on Github.